Africa, it seems is still no closer to and probably even further than it was mere months ago from achieving political democracy and a stable economic market as achieved by other continents since the rises and falls of social and political movements like monarchy, progressivism, industrialization, communism, fascism etc... Are the G8, the big players in the world ecomony , the first to industrialize, or those who colonized the new world to blame for African struggle? Partly? Maybe? Soley? After all, these fiendish giants took advantage of, traded, sold and tormented the less fortunate of the continent during their rise to power and modernization. So much could not have been acheived, lest it were carried on the backs of slaves. Have we forgotten that this is a phenomenon seen in all "Great Societies." That any and all who rose to major power and influence did so by enslaving and victimizing those they considered less civilized and weak. Have we forgotten Rome? the Ming Dynasty? Egypt?
Often, it is not one racial group who initailly takes control and advantage over another. In some instances of the African slave trade and others, we find that peoples of the same race sell and completely initiate the market for the trade as a result of tribal struggles. Victors sell their prisoners of war to traders/buyers who in turn transport and sell them to their owners in positions of servantry or indentured servitutude.
Every racial and many ethnic groups have been victimized and used by another or their own since the dawn of man.
Is that how we are to define ourselves? By enslavement, struggle, weakness, victimization?
So now, in our modern world, post revolution and industrialization, I try to imagine myself fawning over a American/ German/Irish/Cherokee blonde woman being politically glorified by her sub ethnic group.
Excuse me if I find it hard to attach myself to any such affections for someone that I do not align myself with ideologically. Our emotions can take us powerful places, some painful, some ecstatic, but we cannot forget the truest part of ourselves in a myriad of ardor .
It is our innermost beliefs that we live by and how we treat others that we must pay attention to. Remember, it is not the talk, but the walk that matters.
The white on black or black on white struggle over simplifies one of the most important issues facing all civilization. To rid ourselves of such opportunistic evils, we must recognize that the color of our skin represents the smallest part of who we are as societies and individuals. Neglecting to do so we further cast ourself into senseless resentment and discrimination based on ignorance alone. We must suture up our wounds , stop continually agitating them as they bleed before the knife REALLY cuts.
The only thing worse than being victimized, is basking in eternal victimhood.
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